Jul 21 Views (1130) Final Fantasy XIV

What Wrong with the original Final Fantasy XIV

FF 14 is coming to us in the next few weeks. Do you want to get more ffxiv gil? Do you want to know more stories about the original version of Final Fantasy XIV? If yes, please just read this article.

Yoshida feared the game was doomed even before its release when he was still not a team member of original ffxiv. After the bad reaction from players during the Beta test, even the staff thought the game wasn't ready for it to go on sale. "When I heard that it was going to go on sale as planned, I thought, that will probably be a big mistake."

The biggest problems with the original Final Fantasy XIV came from how the game itself was envisioned and developed. Final Fantasy XI, Square Enix's other Final Fantasy MMO, was developed as a game where Final Fantasy would meet EverQuest—the top MMORPG of the day.

Yoshida then talked at some length about the origins and development of MMORPGs. How they developed from tabletop RPGs into games like Ultima and Wizardy—before moving to the online world. What was important in his eyes is how early RPGs borrowed the best elements from and influenced each other.

Yoshida said his biggest worry while making A Realm Reborn has been the schedule. World class MMOs have so much in them that time is always an issue. There's got to be a lot for players to do. When coding started for A Realm Reborn, Yoshida and his team only had 16 months until the planned relaunch. At times, he had wondered if it was really possible to do all the work in two years.

No matter how many issues of the original ffxiv, now this game will come out soon and most of the issues have been fixed, and the game will be coming out as a very amazing one. If you have decided to play it, you must need many gil, then you can buy from us because we sell the cheapest final fantasy xiv gil.