Aug 13 Views (1085) World of Warcraft

To Green Fire or Not to Green Fire,That is the question

I have come to the decision that while I know there are a lot of elitists out there that like to throw it in people’s faces when it comes to the Warlock green fire quest, and while I do think the quest is too hard, I don’t think it’s too hard for the same reasons.

Yes I have yet to complete the final boss. But that’s not why I think it’s too hard. I think the final boss is too difficult for the reward being offered. In World of Warcraft, rogues got their own quest, and what did they get in return, aside from some cool lore? Us locks have to defeat one of the most difficult bosses ever to grace the entire game and all we get in return is a cosmetic effect.
A little unbalanced in my opinion. One day I’ll beat him, when I have nothing better to do, but it’s not something that I am going to spend multiple thousands of gold in repairs on when I’ve lived without it for so long anyway. If the motivation was a bit more worthwhile, say a legendary item, then the story might be different.