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Thousands of players are waiting to play WildStar

And while guilds always have been the main type of social group in MMOs, we also think we can better support your various social circles in WildStar, with a feature we call "Circles". Circles are separate from guilds, but include similar features, such as private chat channels, group rosters, name tags, and so on.

So you can be a part of your hardcore raiding guild, while still keeping in touch with the Esper Mad Healz Circle, Roleplaying Circle, and "Arrested Development" Circle, all at the same time. Currently, players can be members of one guild and five circles at the same time, though of course this may change as we get feedback during beta.

Spellslingers are deadly and dangerous pistoleers, often found beyond the Fringe working as bounty hunters, bodyguards, and guns-for-hire.

Spellslingers fight with a unique style that's a lethal combination of magic, reflexes and instinct - making them some of the most feared combatants in the galaxy. By wielding specially designed mag pistols, Spellslingers manipulate arcane energy to create powerful magic sigils – greatly increasing their accuracy and infusing their projectiles with destructive power.

We agree that guilds are a great way to form a group of like-minded people to engage with the content you most prefer in an MMO. But we all know that no player is entirely single-minded in terms of the content they want to engage in, or the types of people they want to socialize with. In addition to guilds, we're designing additional features that allow people to form guild-like social connections within a game.

Along with their deadly weapons, Spellslingers also use acrobatic agility to quickly move around the battlefield positioning themselves to inflict the most damage upon their enemies. These deadly abilities, coupled with steely-eyed resolve, make the Spellslinger a truly frightening foe in battle.

In wildstar, players can also build their guilds and do the raiding together. And the game currency wildstar gold will become their most wanted thing when they need to get a better item in game.