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How to get a sword in Wildstar Online

In Wildstar online beta version, there will be a Arena map, and the carbine will be focusing on Arenas, one of WildStar’s PvP Elder Games. You can also farm the wildstar gold in the arena. Wildstar gold is the game currency of the wildstar online game, players can use the gold to buy game items and armours in game to make their charactors powerful.The Arena Map: You’ve found the seedy underworld of Nexus in the dingy engine room of a Marauder ship. The floor and walls are littered with bottles, beer cans, and broken weapons. Metal pillars sprout from the center of the Arena floor, venting steam. You can see spectators behind the grating. They are eyeing you as they make their wagers. Cameras rove around the room, waiting to record the action.

The empire landed a formidable military force on Mikros in 344 AE, and the Draken hordes amassed for all-out war on the Dominion invaders. Acting upon counsel from the Mechari, the bold Luminai Emperor Azrion issued a challenge to the reigning High Clanlord Zhur: meet him in single combat, with the victor ruling supreme over planet Mikros. As the Mechari expected, Zhur accepted the challenge immediately.

And while guilds always have been the main type of social group in MMOs, we also think we can better support your various social circles in WildStar, with a feature we call "Circles". Circles are separate from guilds, but include similar features, such as private chat channels, group rosters, name tags, and so on.
So you can be a part of your hardcore raiding guild, while still keeping in touch with the Esper Mad Healz Circle, Roleplaying Circle, and "Arrested Development" Circle, all at the same time. Currently, players can be members of one guild and five circles at the same time, though of course this may change as we get feedback during beta.The Elder game sees some serious benefit for having a few extra Soldiers in the group to spawn an extra boss or two. Sure the higher end guilds will poach each other players but what will be the catch? Extra DKP for a player that matches the higher value Class/Path/Prof?

Hours later, they met on the Field of Kazor, a massive gladiatorial arena in the ancient city of Red River. The duel was fierce and brutal, and the swords of the two combatants were soon stained with blood. The swords they use are obtained by selling cheap wildstar gold online. In the end, the Luminai emperor's skill and training overcame Zhur's ferocity and strength. Upon the death of their leader, the Draken swore eternal loyalty to Azrion the Conqueror and his descendants – and these savage warriors have faithfully served the Dominion ever since.

For the Draken, the journey to Nexus represents the ultimate test. Not only is the fabled planet rumored to be the home of exotic, savage creatures that will test their skills in the hunt, but it is also the front lines of the intensifying war with the Exiles. The reigning emperor Myrcalus the Vindicator has claimed Nexus for the Dominion by right of the Eldan blood that runs in his veins, and the Draken have vowed to help him conquer the planet, regardless of the cost.