Aug 22 Views (1321) Madden NFL 18

Madden 18 Do Not Have Any Talk About HDR Support

EA Sports Sports Electronics, in a statement issued in response to the GimaSpot website, announced the graphic specs of the Madden NFL 18 on the PlayStation 4 for Peru. The Electronic Arts said the Madden NFL 18 game on the PlayStation 4 Pro will also support a resolution of 1080p with a resolution of 4K. According to EA Sports, users will not need to upgrade to achieve this image quality. In addition to supporting 4K and 1080p quality, the Madden NFL 18 will run at 60 frames per second. Of course, EA has not yet released information on game support from the HDR of the eighth generation consoles.



You can read the full text of this statement at the bottom:


The Madden NFL 18 will launch without any updates on the PlayStation 4 Console, with 4K and 1080p resolution. If users want to play the game with 4K image quality, they will notice an increase in the resolution of the game. Also, if users want to play the game in the form of 1080p, they will notice the increase in the frame rate of the game in certain parts. The main gameplay will be played at 60 frames per second. We do not currently have any talk about game support from the HDR capability.


The Electronic Arts company has not talked about graphical gaming on Xbox One or Xbox One Xbox consoles in this statement. The Madden NFL 18 will be released on Aug. 25 (Aug. 3) for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One vanity consoles. Of course, users of the EA Access service have been on the game since August 17th (August 26th). Also, if you purchased the special edition of Madden 18 G.O.A.T Edition, you can experience this game three days earlier than the official release August 22nd.


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