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Madden 18 Is A Good Debut In NPD Survey Report

The US market analysis firm NPD Group writes monthly a gigantic survey report on the American game industry. The company always gives a small, interesting summary for the general public.



The company came this time with a negative news, sales for August 2017 are 2% lower than a year ago. This is because sales of hardware sales decreased by 6% and game sales on consoles and handhelds fell by 2%. The physical and digital sales in the AAA segment on PC - for participating publishers - decreased by 23%. The fact that we do not see a bigger decline is due to the best selling hardware, the Switch, and the debut of Madden NFL 18, which knows a good debut every year. Below is the list of best-selling games sorted by revenue. For games marked with an asterisk, no digital sales were counted.


Madden NFL 18

Grand Theft Auto V

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Splatoon 2

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege

Mario Kart 8

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy


Injustice 2

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands


For Honor

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Agents Of Mayhem

Forza Horizon 3

Battlefield 1

NBA 2K17



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