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Lost Ark: What is working energy?

Work Energy is a resource in Lost Ark used to gather materials and items through Trade Skills. Trading skills are acquired during the main story quest, The Crown of Lakebar.



Tooltips, descriptions of skills, and in-game items sometimes mention working energy into life energy. This is the same.


Working Energy has a total pool of 10,000 in the base but can be increased by leveling up your list. This pool is used by all characters on a given server and your trading skill levels.


There are six different trade skills in the game that you can use to collect Lost Ark materials, and each of them consumes an additional amount of work energy each time you collect materials:



  • There are mining sites. As green leaves on the minimap—costs 30 energy at the base.


Forest management

  • Logging locations show up like logs on your minimap. . Costs 60 energy in the basic configuration.



  • Mining locations are displayed as blue crystals on your minimap—it costs 30 energy at the base.



  • Areas with animals that can be hunted are marked with a bear trap symbol in the upper left corner of your map. It costs 84 energy in the basic configuration only when cutting an animal.



  • Fishing spots are marked with fishhooks on the map or minimap. You can't fish anywhere without this label—it costs 44 energy at the base.



  • Areas, where relics can be unearthed are marked with a stone slab symbol in the upper right corner of the map. . Costs 62 base energy only when you dig up a relic.



How much is Work Energy restored per day?


30 Work Energy is restored every ten minutes to the base. This means that you will recover 180 working energy per hour and 4320 working energy within 24 hours.


There are alternatives to waiting for your working energy. However, restore. Various consumables restore the player's working energy. Here are the items:


Lesser Vitality Potions

  • Restores 1000 units of working energy


Elixirs of dark working energy

  • Restores 1000 units of working energy


Regular Vitality Potions

  • Restores 3000 WorkEnergy


Major Vitality Potion

  • Restores 5000 WorkEnergy


For more help in Lost Ark, visit Where to Find the Hidden Story "The Surgeing Longing"!


Related: How to get through the sea of indolence dungeon in Lost Ark?