Aug 03 Views (1104) Final Fantasy XIV

Edge Magazine Issue 257 Cover Revealed, Features Bungie's Destiny

The cover of Edge Magazine latest issue has been revealed, and guess what it features Bungie's upcoming shooter "Destiny" with a tagline "The Next Generation of Multiplayer Gaming".
The latest issue features a details article explaining the "How Bungie is handing control over to the player in its new epic, Destiny".

Previews for games such as "Watch Dogs, Titanfall, Puppeteer, Batman: Arkham Origins, DriveClub, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, Super Mario 3D World" are also included, Among which the new kook of Final Fantasy XIV is splendid.You can experience the wonderful scenes efficiently though the FFXIV Power leveling as well as FFXIV Gil service.
In addition to this, Edge Magazine #257 also review scores for following games:
• Pikmin 3 - 8
• Dota 2 - 9
• Tales of Xillia - 7
• Deus Ex: The Fall - 6
• Deadpool - 3
• Dark - 3
• Rogue Legacy - 8
• Layton Brothers: Mystery Room - 7
• Mighty Switch Force! 2 - 6
• Capsule - 7